Love feels better then fear
I was Awake and writing when I hear it, this time how ever all I feel is love and before I can get out of bed it is over. Matt had a very...
Today was a good day
Today was a good day. Today was a good day it even started out amazing Matt woke up and said good morning mom he went the wash room...
Oh no a cough
Oh no a cough What happens when mom starts to cough? Matt has been very concerned about food time coming in constanly telling me he will...
Some places that support person with Special Needs
Some places that support person with Special Needs So after yesterdays post I thought I would check out some places that might help you...
Why is it that there isnt help for people with Special needs
Why is it that there isnt help for people with Special needs? I read a question from a friend on Facebook the other day it was "Why is it...
Gaining Weight
Gaining weight For many of us I think we dont want to read about gaining weight but the opposit on loosing weight, well for Matt it has...
Matt's new work out
Matt's new work out. we were so lucky to get a treadmil given to us this past holiday season it has really been good for all of us...
The Magic moments
The Magic moments Sometimes Matt says the sweeties things. The other day Clarissa my oldest called Mike "Step dad" and Loki was there and...
All you have are your thoughts Make them good ones
All you have are your thoughts make them good ones. I write a personal development blog called life shift now where I write about this...
Cuts, bruises and bumps
Cuts, bruises, bumps, black eyes and who knows what else when someone wakes up after a seizure you never know what they will wake up...